Cloud Native apps benefits

Let’s talk about Cloud native apps and the Heritage world we have are lumpy monolithic apps. Yes, and in the new world we have our micro services living on the cloud. If we take a look at this diagram here, we see we have Cloud infrastructure. This is your private. Your public and your Enterprise infrastructure Cloud native apps apply to hybrid and multi-cloud situations. We also have our scheduling an orchestration layer. This layer is all about control planes, like are cabernets.

Why cloud native?

We also have our application and data services layer. This layer is all about backing services and being able to integrate our application code with existing services that may be available on other clouds or even on premise. We have our application run times. These are what we’re traditionally or conventionally known as middleware. And over here. Well, that’s where we have our Cloud native apps. This is the sweet spot right up here.

Our application code is actually designed built and delivered very differently for cloud native than it would be for conventional monolithic. Lumpy ass over here. So let’s talk a little bit about why Cloud native apps can actually leverage benefits like enabling innovation. Business agility.

Testing Cloud Native

And most importantly from a technology perspective, the commoditization of this solution stack over here. So as time has progressed and technologies have matured and emerged, a lot of the services are actually being refactored lower down. In this stack, this means that core services are starting to have a lower center of gravity. Freeing up Innovation at.

Cloud Native apps

This level over here. What are yours cases for when to build a cloud native app? Star everything. Everything that lives in the cloud should have a cloud native app design and approach. This means our application code needs to be instrumented with things like standardized logging standardized events and being able to match those logging and events to a standard catalog that multiple micro services in Cloud native apps can use the. Last thing we want to do is have our development squads.

Benefits of Cloud Native

Have to figure out what their log & event messages should be. Let’s standardize that because we want to be able to commoditize that as well. We also need to have things like distributed tracing when we get over into the micro services world over here. We have a lot of moving Parts. This means we’re going to need to leverage Services core to the system. Like load balancing service Discovery and routing. These are the kinds of things that are commoditized.

There are other Technologies like pectin which actually address CI pipelines specifically for cloud, native apps that leverage Docker in cabernets and so if we were to recognize the benefits for cloud, native apps, and to sum it all up, we are all about Enterprise and Engineering at scale.

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