Learn what is a native AWS application

A native AWS application is an application that is designed and built to run on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform using AWS-specific services and technologies.

Such applications are created using AWS’s own programming interfaces and tools, and they leverage AWS’s cloud infrastructure to deliver their functionality.

Some examples of AWS-specific services that can be used to build native applications include Amazon S3 for storage, Amazon EC2 for compute, Amazon RDS for databases, AWS Lambda for serverless computing, and Amazon API Gateway for building APIs.

Native AWS applications are often designed to take advantage of the scalability, availability, and reliability of AWS’s cloud infrastructure, allowing them to easily handle large volumes of traffic and to withstand failures and disruptions. They can also be deployed and managed using AWS’s own management tools and services, making it easier for developers and operations teams to build, deploy, and maintain these applications.

In addition, native AWS applications can be designed to take advantage of AWS’s security and compliance features, which can help ensure that the application is secure and meets any regulatory requirements that apply.

Some examples of native AWS applications include web applications, mobile apps, IoT applications, and data processing applications. These applications can be developed using a variety of programming languages and frameworks, and can be deployed using different deployment models, such as virtual machines, containers, or serverless functions.

AWS provides a number of resources and tools to help developers build and deploy native AWS applications, including documentation, SDKs, APIs, and development tools such as AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CodeDeploy.

Overall, building native AWS applications can offer many benefits, such as scalability, reliability, security, and cost-efficiency. As such, many organizations are choosing to build their applications on the AWS platform to take advantage of these benefits and to deliver their services to their customers more effectively.

Cloud-native is a term used to describe an approach to building and running applications that is optimized for cloud computing environments, including the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. A cloud-native application is designed to take full advantage of the scalability, reliability, and flexibility of cloud platforms, using a set of principles and best practices that are specific to these environments.

In the context of AWS, a cloud-native application is typically built using AWS’s own services and technologies, and it is designed to run on AWS’s cloud infrastructure. This means that the application is optimized for AWS, using AWS-specific services such as Amazon S3 for storage, Amazon EC2 for compute, and Amazon RDS for databases.

Cloud-native applications are often built using microservices architecture, which involves breaking down the application into smaller, independent components that can be deployed and managed separately. Each microservice can be scaled and updated independently, allowing the application to be more flexible and responsive to changes in demand.

Other key characteristics of cloud-native applications include the use of containerization and orchestration tools such as Docker and Kubernetes, which make it easier to deploy and manage the application in a dynamic cloud environment. Cloud-native applications are also typically designed to be highly available, with multiple copies of the application running in different regions and availability zones to ensure maximum uptime.

In summary, a cloud-native AWS application is an application that is built using AWS-specific services and best practices, and that is designed to take full advantage of the capabilities of the AWS cloud.

Native cloud applications are applications that are designed and built specifically for cloud computing environments. Unlike traditional applications that are built to run on-premises or in dedicated data centers, native cloud applications are optimized for the cloud, using a set of principles and best practices that are specific to these environments.

Some key characteristics of native cloud applications include:

  1. Scalability: Native cloud applications are designed to be highly scalable, allowing them to handle large volumes of traffic and data without slowing down or crashing. This is achieved through the use of cloud-specific services such as auto-scaling, load balancing, and distributed data stores.
  2. Resilience: Native cloud applications are designed to be highly resilient, meaning they can withstand failures and disruptions without impacting the user experience. This is achieved through the use of fault-tolerant architecture, multiple copies of the application running in different regions and availability zones, and automatic failover.
  3. Flexibility: Native cloud applications are designed to be flexible, allowing them to adapt to changing business needs and market conditions. This is achieved through the use of microservices architecture, which involves breaking down the application into smaller, independent components that can be deployed and managed separately.
  4. Automation: Native cloud applications are designed to be highly automated, with many of the tasks associated with deploying and managing the application handled automatically by the cloud platform. This includes tasks such as scaling, load balancing, and database management.
  5. Security: Native cloud applications are designed to be highly secure, using a range of cloud-specific security and compliance features to protect data and applications from cyber threats and regulatory violations.

Overall, native cloud applications are built to take full advantage of the capabilities of cloud computing environments, providing greater scalability, flexibility, resilience, and security than traditional applications. They are also more cost-effective, as they can be built and deployed more efficiently, and they can be easily updated and maintained over time.

Which AWS services use cloud-native storage?

There are several AWS services that use cloud-native storage to provide highly scalable, available, and durable storage for applications and data. Some of these services include:

  1. Amazon S3: Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an object storage service that provides highly scalable and durable storage for data of any type and size. It is designed to provide 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability, making it ideal for storing large volumes of data, such as media files, backups, and logs.
  2. Amazon EBS: Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) is a block storage service that provides highly available, low-latency storage for EC2 instances. It is designed to provide up to 99.999% availability and can be used to store data for databases, applications, and file systems.
  3. Amazon EFS: Amazon EFS (Elastic File System) is a fully managed file storage service that provides highly available, scalable, and secure file storage for Linux-based applications. It is designed to provide a scalable, shared file system that can be accessed by multiple EC2 instances simultaneously.
  4. Amazon FSx: Amazon FSx is a fully managed file system service that provides highly available, scalable, and durable file storage for Windows and Linux applications. It is designed to provide native support for common file protocols, such as SMB and NFS.
  5. Amazon DynamoDB: Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides highly available, scalable, and low-latency storage for structured data. It is designed to provide automatic scaling, with the ability to handle millions of requests per second and petabytes of data.

These services use cloud-native storage to provide highly scalable and available storage for applications and data. They are designed to be highly resilient, with multiple copies of data stored across multiple availability zones to ensure maximum uptime and durability.


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